Best Family planning Tips

Family planning is a necessity in these modern times. While we have developed several methods of family planning, we need to ensure that neither partner is adversely affected by the methods we choose to employ. Let us take a look at the various methods and their effects.
Best Family planning Tips
1.Spermicidal chemical jellies, foam liquid and creams for females: These are applied internally (in the vagina) before sexual intercourse. There is a possibility that such chemicals have side effects on the vaginal tissues.
2.Diaphragm :  The woman can insert this herself prior to sexual intercourse, but it is tedious, and has to be learned from a medical practitioner. The diaphragm needs to be used in conjunction with the spermicidal products mentioned above, and can produce the same side effects.
3.Condom for men: This is the simplest method and least harmful for both the partners. It should be used only during the Rutukal (fertile period), and need not be used at other times. Take care that the condom is intact before you use it.
4.Loop or copper T: These devices are implanted in the uterus. Urinary and vaginal infections are common side effects in many women who use this method. It may also lead to excess menstrual bleeding which persists long after the loop or Copper T has been removed. Some women even tend to gain a lot of weight due to these side effects. All in all, an unhealthy method of contraception.
5.Contraceptive pills: It has been propagated for many years that these pills do not have any side effects. But in practice, it is obvious that regular use causes weight gain, skin
pigmentation, and deterioration of the health in general. Research has proved beyond doubt that the long-term effects of contraceptive pills are severe. Hence, it is advised that
contraceptive pills be avoided.
6.Rhythm techniques: This involves avoiding sexual intercourse during a specific period of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation is possible from the first day of menstruation onwards until 16 days after. So from the first day of menstruation onwards for 18 days (two days after possible ovulation) sexual intercourse should either be avoided or performed with a condom.
7.Surgical options: Minor surgical procedures are carried out to permanently sever the vas deferens (in the male) or the fallopian tubes (in the female), and is normally be done if the couple does not wish to have any more children. The procedure is more common in women. It has been seen that such closing or severing of the tubes, often causes weight gain around the abdomen and buttocks, or irregular menstrual cycles. Severing the vas deferens has certain side effects for the man as well, and consequently, such surgical techniques are not recommended as effective family planning techniques.
After consideration of the above methods, one can surely say that the safest and least harmful techniques are the use of a condom, and having sexual intercourse during the safe
period of the monthly cycle. If pregnancy is then desired, it can occur easily and quickly, after these are discontinued.

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